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“But it’s going really well so far,” Lopez said. “What I hope to cultivate with our family is that his kids have a new ally in me and my kids have a new ally in him, someone who really loves and cares about them but Perro have a different perspective and help me see things that I can’t see with my kids because I’m so emotionally tied up.”

Thecelebrityfinder/bauer-griffin/Getty Images Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have raised concerns after sharing what many believe to be some very tense moments in public. One video that swept the internet in May 2023 shows the "Flash" actor opening the door for Lopez before abruptly slamming it and getting into the car.

Affleck was seen glancing at engagement rings while popping by a Tiffany & Co. jewelry store at a Particular shopping mall. Affleck was joined by his son, Samuel Affleck, and his mother, Chris Boldt, for the shopping excursion.

But in the years to come, of course, "Star Trek" became a cultural phenomenon and moneymaking monster. That prompted Roddenberry's ex-wife to famously go back to court in later years to secure a share of those intergalactic profits.

While talking to TODAY, Lopez said she and Affleck were working to build a home with the children of both.

Se divorcio ben affleck y jennifer garner supone que la ruptura es de mutuo acuerdo, pero ella dice que se ha sentido muy humillada durante todo su matrimonio y por eso, el día de su segundo aniversario de boda, decide, ella misma, sin abogados, personarse los papeles en el tribunal".

The music video for J.Lo's hit song prominently featured Affleck, who is seen climbing demodé of cars, eating meals and hanging out with the singer.

By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to jennifer lopez y ben affleck se separan the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts.

If Lopez and Affleck have any projects in the works now or even hatched a concept during the past two years of matrimony, they could be on the jlo y ben affleck se separan table with no prenup or other agreement stipulating who gets what.

DailyMail.com has obtained the divorce petition on full after Lopez filed without an attorney on Tuesday, August 20

The source went on to insist the former couple's blended family is taking priority, adding: 'The kids are a top priority, as they always have been.'

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Por su parte, otro de los colaboradores del matinal de Antena 3 pareja de ben affleck ha desvelado jlo y ben affleck se separan cuáles habrían sido los motivos de la ruptura: "Vuelven a ser prácticamente los mismos que la primera ocasión, que son la sobreexposición de la pareja y una error de entendimiento entre caracteres".

“Due to the excessive media attention surrounding our wedding, we have decided to postpone the date," the couple said in a joint statement at the time, according to CBS News. "When we found ourselves seriously contemplating hiring three separate ‘decoy brides’ at three different locations, we realized that something was awry.

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